I’m Done Apologizing For My Messy Home

(Pictured above: Not a real messy house lived in by a real toddler. Clearly staged. As parents, we know when our kids mess up our living room, it does not look this pretty!) Tell me if this scene looks familiar: It’s 9am on a Saturday. You’ve spent the last hour frantically cleaning, because your parents… Continue reading I’m Done Apologizing For My Messy Home

A Story About Olivia: On Vanishing Nipples

It occurs to me I don't post too often about my daughter. Parenting is hard, and these little tidbits that make us laugh are what also get us through the hardest parts. So enjoy the first of what I'll simply call Stories About Olivia, my wild child who will be two in about three months.… Continue reading A Story About Olivia: On Vanishing Nipples